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Thursday, October 24

10:15am CDT

Adopting a Data-Driven Strategy: Insights from Emerging Digital Innovation Journeys of Two Art Museums
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:15am - 11:00am CDT
This is a joint session by the North Carolina Museum of Art and the Perez Art Museum Miami, two medium-sized art museums that have broadly increased capacity to collect and utilize data over the past three years. Our session will showcase digital capabilities to translate strategic goals into measurable and actionable metrics supported by integrated data workflows. Both institutions will share data methodology that supports internal accountability and continuous improvement, bolsters board and grantor confidence, and strengthens support of diverse artistic practices and relationships with members.

In 2021, NCMA created a Museum Evaluation position which has led to drastic increases in internal buy-in of data practices. Data is now collected across departments to produce quarterly and annual reports, and nearly all departments are beginning to think about how data can be leveraged to shape their projects. NCMA’s Evaluator, Melissa Dean, will highlight the work of several staff members in the larger context of interdepartmental collaboration. NCMA staff Kevin Kane and Heiker Medina will highlight data contributions toward collecting goals, marketing performance, utilization of our CRM system (Tessitura), as well as in-gallery and remote educational technology platforms.

The Digital Engagement department at PAMM is a relatively new venture funded specifically to empower a digital initiative that benefits the museum and its community. PAMM’s digital engagement group originally comprised three members, a department head, web developer, and data analyst, Patrick Fox. Patrick will share his work of finding and aggregating all of the data sources in a system that brings unique departmental data to each group for KPI monitoring. PAMM will also showcase their efforts to understand and increase collection artist presence on Wikipedia and a custom membership application for seamless check-in to museum events.

Above all, we are excited to share how building data workflows by combining existing computational knowledge and tools are encouraging formal digital strategies to informally emerge. This is an exploratory showcase of our works-in-progress collaboratively experimenting while learning from each other’s challenges. We hope that sharing our journeys from previously nonexistent or siloed roles to realized responsibilities in data reporting will inspire new projects and roles at your institution as it has ours.
avatar for Kevin Kane

Kevin Kane

Software Developer, North Carolina Museum of Art
I’m a software developer for projects in education and interpretation at the North Carolina Museum of Art. Currently thinking about collections data infrastructure, methods for incorporating visitor responses to museum programming on-site and online, CRM integrations, and solutions... Read More →

Patrick Fox

Data Analyst, Pérez Art Museum Miami

Heiker Medina

Paid Media & Analytics Associate, North Carolina Museum of Art
avatar for Melissa Dean

Melissa Dean

Museum Evaluator, North Carolina Museum of Art
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:15am - 11:00am CDT
Jayhawk Welcome Center, 2nd Floor - Berkley Presentation Room B 1266 Oread Ave, Lawrence, KS 66044

10:15am CDT

Digital First, Community Focused: A Strategic Framework for Audience Engagement
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:15am - 11:00am CDT
The new Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum has a digital-first mandate and a commitment to community co-creation. Join us for a session exploring why community-focused programs should be at the center of exploring women’s visibility (or the lack thereof). By presenting case studies and provocations, the session will share how evolving digital expectations can foster community participation while offering insight and inspiration for your digital storytelling and audience engagement efforts.

In March 2024, the museum unveiled multiple initiatives that engage audiences in different ways – "Becoming Visible: Bringing American Women’s History into Focus," a compelling story-driven digital experience and “Community Story Explorer,” an interactive browsing experience showcasing stories contributed by the community. While each initiative offers its own format, their roots are interconnected, originating from an underlying strategy meant to invite diverse audiences to engage and participate across mindsets, interests, and locations.
Featuring speakers from the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum, the Smithsonian Office of Digital Transformation, and digital agency Forum One, this interactive panel will illustrate important connections between organizational goals, strategic planning, and program design, offering valuable insights into developing a coherent approach for community building and engagement.
avatar for Sara Snyder

Sara Snyder

Director of Digital Programs, Office of Digital Transformation, Smithsonian Institution
I lead priority pan-Smithsonian digital initiatives and collaborate with the various museums and research units across the Institution to support their digital efforts. I love to talk about digital strategy, metadata, archives, Wikimedia, social, linked open data, AI, IA, CRM, and... Read More →

Rachel Ginsberg

Creative Strategist, Experience Designer, Branding for Experience
Rachel Eve Ginsberg is a strategist and experience designer prototyping collaborative approaches for community engagement. Previously founding director of Cooper Hewitt’s Interaction Lab, Rachel consults on strategic initiatives of all kinds, from large scale research and planning... Read More →
avatar for Jasmine Patel

Jasmine Patel

Vice President, Design, Forum One
With a deep background in the arts and a passion for work that impacts the world, Jasmine brings in-house and agency experience to her role. Most recently the Director of Digital Experience at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, she has developed creative strategies for global consumer... Read More →

Nicole Kang Ferraiolo

Head of Digital Strategies, Smithsonian American Women's History Museum
Nicole Kang Ferraiolo is Head of Digital Strategies at the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum, where she helps bring the museum to life online. An expert in digital cultural heritage, she works to make history more discoverable and inclusive. Previously, she was Director... Read More →

Elizabeth Harmon

Digital Curator, Smithsonian American Women's History Museum
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:15am - 11:00am CDT
Adams Alumni Center, 1st Floor - Paul Adams Lounge 1266 Oread Ave, Lawrence, KS 66044

11:15am CDT

No Finish Line: Embedding CRM Optimization Into Your Project from Preflight to Infinity
Thursday October 24, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
Museums are increasingly eager to leverage powerful software that promises to deliver valuable insights into growing audiences. However, implementing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems in organizations with limited budgets, uneven tech literacy, and varying definitions of audiences are guaranteed to be challenging. While CRMs can enhance visitor engagement, streamline operations, and boost institutional support, their configuration and implementation is fraught with difficulties, potentially leading to costly upgrades and reinforcing siloed data practices.

This panel will offer a candid exploration of CRM deployments drawing on the diverse experiences of three organizations and insights from three key departments: Development, Marketing, and Technology. Through these multidisciplinary perspectives, attendees considering the adoption or migration of CRM systems like Tessitura or Salesforce will gain a holistic understanding of the best practices and common pitfalls associated with platform implementation in cultural institutions.

Development departments across the museums collectively emphasize the importance of a CRM in enhancing donor relations and fundraising efficiency. Best practices include conducting thorough needs assessments, involving end-users in the selection process, and investing in comprehensive staff training. Common pitfalls are the underestimation of data migration complexities and resistance to change from staff who prefer legacy systems.

From the marketing perspective, leveraging CRM for targeted campaigns and visitor insights is essential. Best practices involve integrating CRM with social media and other digital marketing tools, continuously updating visitor data, and utilizing analytics for advanced segmentation and campaign adjustments. Pitfalls include data silos resulting from poor integration and the challenges of keeping up with constantly evolving digital marketing trends.

Finally, technology departments underline the significance of choosing a scalable and flexible CRM platform that can grow with the institution’s needs. They will advocate for rigorous testing phases, robust data security protocols, and continuous system upgrades. Key pitfalls include failing to inform critical stakeholders of how key decisions may affect long-term functionality, inadequate initial customization, lack of user-friendly interfaces leading to low adoption rates, and insufficient IT support post-implementation.

This panel will equip museum professionals with actionable insights and strategies to navigate the complexities of CRM implementation, ultimately enhancing their institution’s ability to foster deeper connections with their audiences and supporters.
avatar for Yvonne Lee

Yvonne Lee

Head of Integrated Systems, The Huntington
Yvonne Lee (she/her) is the Head of Integrated Systems, Digital and Technology, at The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens where she manages the assessment, selection, and implementation of enterprise applications and integrations to cultivate holistic data ecosystems... Read More →

Jen Holmes

CRM & Analytics Lead, Independent (formerly LACMA)
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Trenton Platt

Director of Performance Marketing, Monterey Bay Aquarium
Thursday October 24, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
Adams Alumni Center, 1st Floor - Paul Adams Lounge 1266 Oread Ave, Lawrence, KS 66044

11:40am CDT

Expanding ARCH: Advancing Computational Research with Museum Collections
Thursday October 24, 2024 11:40am - 12:00pm CDT
With support from Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Internet Archive is expanding ARCH - a web-based computational research platform so that it can streamline gallery, library, archive, and museum ability to support a wide range of users interested in working with museums collections at scale. Museum specific collection functionality includes but is not limited to AI and ML driven methods that enable to speech to text, artwork color analysis, and transcription of text found in photographs. The Internet Archive's development efforts on ARCH are directly informed by partners at the Indianapolis Museum of Art and the Williams College Museum of Art. In this presentation representatives from the project will provide an update on the ARCH development roadmap, new functionality such as its ability to help users easily leverage AI and machine learning with museum collections, as well as a call for broader museum participation in ARCH development and use.
avatar for Karl Blumenthal

Karl Blumenthal

Senior Web Archivist, Internet Archive
I help the Internet Archive's service partners to build, access, analyze, and preserve web archive collections.
Thursday October 24, 2024 11:40am - 12:00pm CDT
Jayhawk Welcome Center, 2nd Floor - Berkley Presentation Room B 1266 Oread Ave, Lawrence, KS 66044

1:15pm CDT

Maximizing engagement with fin-tastic weeklong content campaigns: Insights from the Monterey Bay Aquarium
Thursday October 24, 2024 1:15pm - 1:35pm CDT
This session will present a case study of Monterey Bay Aquarium’s “tentpole weeks”, or specialized week-long cross-platform engagement campaigns: Shrimp Week & Sea Otter Awareness Week. From digital platforms across the web including social, SMS, and email, we want to make people stop scrolling for long enough to laugh, take a breath, and be awed by the ocean and its animals. We also want to provide incentive and opportunity for people to build affinity, deepen their relationship, and ultimately take action for the ocean.
In the past, we have participated in many more tentpole weeks such as shark week and cephalopod week. Overtime, we found our participation with all of these were very overwhelming as well as caused a drop off in engagement on our social channels. After we scaled back, we discovered a more focused approach yielded better engagement on our social channels and return on investment. In this session, we’ll describe what these tentpole weeks are and why they work, why sea otters and why shrimp. We’ll share general metrics and insights along with a video and a short presentation. We intend to include the audience in an interactive warm up with the infamous Shelly Skelly.
avatar for Krysta Higuchi

Krysta Higuchi

Senior Content Creator, Monterey Bay Aquarium
avatar for Christine Lacayo

Christine Lacayo

Bilingual Sr. Content Creator, Monterey Bay Aquarium
Christine is a Bilingual Senior Content Creator for the Monterey Bay Aquarium. She creates culturally relevant content for the Aquarium's website, web stories, newsletter, social media, SMS, ads, and print materials in English and Spanish. Helping the Aquarium reach their goal of... Read More →
Thursday October 24, 2024 1:15pm - 1:35pm CDT
Jayhawk Welcome Center, 2nd Floor - Berkley Presentation Room A 1266 Oread Ave, Lawrence, KS 66044

1:15pm CDT

New Frontiers in Digital Art: The Maintenance Culture Field Guide for Preservation
Thursday October 24, 2024 1:15pm - 2:00pm CDT
This session will introduce brand new preservation guidance for new media art/digital media art/time-based media art/variable media art and facilitate exercises from “Maintenance Culture: Sustaining Access to Digital Creative Works,” a Myriad project funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Maintenance Culture aims to provide practical, realistic guidelines to support small to mid-sized art museums, history museums, museums at academic institutions, and other cultural heritage institutions who steward complex, born-digital, creative works.

The session will introduce participants to the structure and content of the Maintenance Culture guidelines, including describing some specific examples to illustrate the types of works this project addresses (digital design, time-based media art, augmented reality, and net art) and their common preservation challenges. Facilitators will provide structure for the small group work within the session, with the goal of connecting participants to each other and encouraging the growth of communities of practice around preserving digital creative works.

Presenter will facilitate exercises from the Maintenance Culture workbook (to be published July 2024), including:
• Identifying institutional strengths that support maintaining long-term access to born-digital, creative works
• Naming challenges to collecting and preserving complex, born-digital creative works and connecting with others experiencing similar challenges
• Taking steps towards drafting workflows for collecting and maintaining complex, born-digital works

avatar for Eddy Colloton

Eddy Colloton

Media Conservator, Myriad
Eddy Colloton is media conservator and consultant working with art museums to preserve time-based media artworks since 2011. Colloton received his MA degree from the Moving Image Archiving and Preservation program at New York University in May 2016. Colloton has previously worked... Read More →
avatar for Frances Harrell

Frances Harrell

Executive Director, Myriad Consulting
Frances (she/her) is the Executive Director for Myriad, and is responsible for project coordination with all our clients. She is an independent archives professional with over ten years of experience working with cultural heritage organizations. She has spent the larger part of her... Read More →
Thursday October 24, 2024 1:15pm - 2:00pm CDT
Adams Alumni Center, 1st Floor - Summerfield Room 1266 Oread Ave, Lawrence, KS 66044
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